b.e publishing: enchanted places and spaces

Shop the world’s most out-of-the-ordinary TRAVEL MAGazine (a trip around the globe for $20)

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print, digital magazines, blog, and education for creatives.


For those seeking soul-shifting travels.

home & Garden

Enchanting spaces, gardens, and entertaining.


why would you want to b.e part of our community?

What is our mission? To help you feel empowered to live an uninhibited and unbothered life that is all your own—to show you that you have the power to give yourself permission to live the way you want to live, even if others see you as a bit…unconventional. We wish to cultivate a community of readers who wish to explore life past the lines of societal expectations. Think nontraditional weddings, experimental wellness practices, exciting travel stories, and more.

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FOOD, RECIPES, and entertaining