Family Moments by Kent Avenue Photography
Family Moments by Kent Avenue Photography
*this story was originally published on August 13th, 2018.
Photo by Kent Avenue Photography
Spending time with this wonderful, young family at their home in Alameda, CA was beyond special. They relocated to the tiny Bay Area island several years ago from their home in Spain for work. And since then, have created a magical space to take their babies home from the hospital and watch their family grow! That warm California sun, citrus trees, powdery-grey gravel walkways, a magical terrace and greenery dotted with wildflowers ~ cascading through the backyard space like something out of a fairy tale. It really is pure magic.
"Valentina loves nature, she is the kind of person who stops to look and smell every flower, pick up sticks and enjoys finding bugs and ants. I can't wait to see Emilia playing with her, push her swing hanging from our tree or playing with rocks that we have over the patio. That's why this house is perfect for us, it makes us wonder, it makes me dream about our future and the most important, it makes us happy". - Paula, mother.
B.E Home: The World’s Newest Home and Garden print publication is coming this 2021. Until then, enjoy the b.e home blog!
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