Photographers’ Study Abroad in Iceland
Memories from study abroad in Iceland
Photo by Kristin Sweeting
As an editor, I have the pleasure of reviewing many, many story submissions each week. And more often than not, I receive submissions from photographers who have returned from a workshop—and often, several photographers from one workshop will submit images giving me a beautiful opportunity to see how different artists capture the same moments, differently. It inspires me so much to see how different people can perceive the same event or visual in different ways. It's a gentle reminder that there’s always room for new art. And that excites me.
Photographer Kristin Sweeting reached out us about her Study Abroad program which leads a small group of photographers to a destination to photograph the culture in an authentic way. There are very few 'styled' elements (which I adore!) and the moments that are styled are done in an authentic and natural way. And just for Cottage Hill readers, she shared her work and the work of her students at her recent workshop in Iceland.
Before photographing the horse farm, I was able to Skype with the attendees encouraging them to "let real happen" and take their time in capturing real life moments over trying to fabricate moments. It was a special conversation, and I am so excited to share with you what they captured. Each photograph is labeled with the photographer credit and you can see each of their full galleries. Enjoy!
Kristin sweeting Full Gallery of Images

For more enchanting travels, check out our brand new travel magazine: B.E Away
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