Visiting Lyon and Perouges

Photography by Marie Roy

Photography by Marie Roy

I had the pleasure of traveling to Lyon, France a couple of weeks ago and thought you might enjoy the images I captured while I was there. The most spectacular part of the vacation for me was definitely the day trip to the medieval city of Perouges. Perouges was about a 20 minute train ride from the heart of Lyon, and then a 10 minute walk uphill. The city is perched on the top of a hill, over looking the rest of the city. It is so small, just a little circle with a few street in between, and I think the quaintness of it definitely contributed to it’s wow factor. Vendors sold wool, ceramics, paintings, and even calligraphy and paper created in-store. It’s the most beautiful little town for creatives and artisans.

We spent hours and hours just walking around the city of Lyon. We found some spectacular murals on the walls of some of the buildings, explored the secret passage ways of the city (Traboules) and climbed many stairs. Lyon is a wonderfully curious city. You could spend days exploring it and never grow tired of it.

Last but not least, we also explored the Parc de la tete d'Or. A huge park just outside of the city center. The park has this wonderful free zoo within it that has the most spectacular natural exhibit I have ever seen. There is a giant enclosure that is shared amongst animals such as giraffes, zebras, antelopes, birds, fish, turtles... there were even monkeys jumping through the trees. It was absolutely incredible to see animals share an enclosure like this.

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