Chocolate Chip Earl Grey Scone Recipe
All photographs and film by Molly Thrasher
Are you a coffee or tea person? Thankfully, I am both. My dad and I share a bond over dark roast Hawaiian coffee—we used to live in Hawaii and that is where I had my first sip as a child. And my mom and I share a connection over tea. Almost every afternoon growing up, we would have a cup of tea together.
Back then, my mom and I would enjoy a simple cup of Lipton, or Twinings if we were being fancy, but as I got older, I became more interested in teas, different types of leaves and blends.
My grandfather introduced me to green tea. When I was a ballerina, my friends from Japan introduced me to blooming jasmine tea and fun boba tea. But it was earl grey and the aroma of bergamot in the blend that became my consistent favorite. Also, add some frothy almond milk and lavender-infused sugar and you have an amazing morning latte!
I love to slip tea flavors into food. Green tea ice cream, anyone? Adding certain tea flavors can be tricky with brewing and being careful to not mess up the consistency of the ingredients with too much liquid.
However, because bergamot is the key ingredient to Earl Grey, adding 'Earl Grey' flavor to food is so simple because you can just add food-grade bergamot essential oil to nearly any recipe and not have it be ruined.
With that in mind, I created these Chocolate Chip Earl Grey Scones using simple ingredients and a few drops of bergamot oil to give it that rich flavor. They don't take too long to make, although you do get your hands a little messy. But, it's a great recipe for a lazy weekend morning or brunch at home. Plus, the leftovers are wonderful heated up for your afternoon tea break!
Here's a tiny peek at my kitchen in our new home as I make these amazing treats in the video below. Full recipe and directions after the jump!
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Chocolate Chip Earl Grey Scone Recipe
(makes 8 slices)
I cup chocolate chips
10 drops bergamot (I got mine from my friend Hannah who sells Young Living)
2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for work surface, hands, and cutter
3 tablespoons sugar, plus more for sprinkling
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons cold unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
1/3 cup heavy cream, plus more for brushing
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
Preheat oven to 400 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment (or wax) paper.
Flour a surface like a cutting board or countertop, for later.
Combine all dry ingredients in a large bowl.
Using a pastry blender (or a knife if you aren't fancy, like me) and cut butter into tiny pieces.
Lightly whisk the cream and eggs in a smaller bowl, or, use a larger measure cup that will be easy to pour.
Make a hole in the center of the dry mixture in the large bowl, and pour in cream mixture. I like to use my hands to mix together. You want everything to be evenly combined, but don't overmix.
Carry dough to floured surface and divide dough into two rounds. This can be done by hand, or, again, a pastry cutter. Make sure the rounds are not higher than one inch.
Cut the rounds into four slices. I find it helpful to have them cut before baking.
Brush the rounds with cream and lightly sprinkle with sugar. You can also pop in some extra chocolate chips if you feel like there needs to be more.
Bake scones until golden, about 15-20 minutes. If your rounds aren't as thick it'll take less time, thicker will take longer.
While you wait on the scones, go ahead and get your tea ready. My favorite is Bellocq, you can read their story in The Grace Issue.
Once golden, transfer to wire rack and let cool.
I like to serve them quickly when the chocolate chips are freshly melted.
Full Story Credits: Photography and Film by Molly Thrasher Most Kitchen Items from Williams Sonoma Top by Mimi Miller Apron from Artifact Flowers from Eversomething