A Real Surprise Proposal

A real Surprise Proposal, now on Cottage Hill
A real Surprise Proposal, now on Cottage Hill
A real Surprise Proposal, now on Cottage Hill
A real Surprise Proposal, now on Cottage Hill
A real Surprise Proposal, now on Cottage Hill
A real Surprise Proposal, now on Cottage Hill
A real Surprise Proposal, now on Cottage Hill
A real Surprise Proposal, now on Cottage Hill
A real Surprise Proposal, now on Cottage Hill
A real Surprise Proposal, now on Cottage Hill
A real Surprise Proposal, now on Cottage Hill
A real Surprise Proposal, now on Cottage Hill
A real Surprise Proposal, now on Cottage Hill
A real Surprise Proposal, now on Cottage Hill
A real Surprise Proposal, now on Cottage Hill
A real Surprise Proposal, now on Cottage Hill
A real Surprise Proposal, now on Cottage Hill

We often receive surprise proposal stories, but rarely does the bride seem truly surprised. When photographs Shayla and Todd of Shayla Renee Photography sent these images and this story, though, we could feel the surprise and the love between these two - we had to share it with you!

Here is what Todd had to say about capturing Jared and Claire's moment:

Jared's proposal to Claire was absolutely breathtaking! It was July 20th on one of the brightest and best days Portland had seen this summer. The location was at one of Portland's premier restaurants, Noble Rot Wine Bar.

Jared decided to propose to Claire on the roof of Noble Rot where a beautiful garden full of vegetables, flowers, and a magnificent view of the city awaited. Jared hired Moorea Masa & the Mood to sing while he asked the big question. As Jared and Claire walked up the ladder and made their entrance Moorea Masa & the Mood began to play beautifully and Jared got down on one knee and asked the question they had been waiting, unknowingly, for fourteen years to be asked. With tears in her eyes (as well as his) Claire said yes! 

What I didn't know at the time and later found out is that Jared and Claire had been best friends for fourteen years and had only been dating just over a year at this point. But the entire time they had been dating Jared knew and even vocalized that he would marry her! They had watched each other fall in and out of love with other people for fourteen years and it was finally their turn, and this love wasn't a love you fall out of but a love you fall deeper into. 

After the proposal Jared and Claire climbed back down tot he restaurant where they finished their glasses of wine and then headed out to an after party where thirty of their friends and family were waiting to celebrate their love.


A Mother Daughter Art Collaboration


The Slow Session